On Friday construction people came to our school to teach us how they build things. It was interesting because we got to have heaps of fun. Here is an example of my writing about our construction day. ConstructionDay Today we went constructing and there were three things to do like digging a gigantic trench in the relaxing sandpit and put a pipe in it. Then we dig the sand back in it. The next one is how builders put the pipes together and how to work it by putting water in it. The last one was in the hall and Matt the person who had to teach us about his robot. But he had to pick volunteers and the people still sitting in the hard rocky ground had to measure the hole school. But it was three classes that had to do the constructions. First Rosser house second Room 10 and last was Room 13. The first place to go was the sand pit. There was Three instructors to help us. First thing they had to pick two volunteers on boy and one girl. There job was to check if the people are safe with the shovels because the people might in real pain. First people with the sharp end of the shovel had to dig a humongous hole because they had to put the longest pipe in but first, they had to share because people out of the sandpit had a RAKE! So they had to give it. But when I was digging I just found the GROUND!. So I had to put the sand back and dig another hole then I had to pass it on to another person. Then when people kept digging and digging until they found something and it was just a HOUSE! That had to make a sand castle. Then we had to move onto another activity. The next construction activity was how to make pipe. First there was two different instructors that were telling us how to use a pipe. First they told us how they make a pipe that will work. Then we had to go in groups to make a pipe, first they drawed a pipe in the board so we could make it. Then after that we had to get very DIRTY WATER so we could pore it in the pipe so it could fill the bucket up. The hours WORKED! But then they drawed another one in the board and that confused me so my partners helped me. But in that one we had to work FAST! Because heaps of the groups were beating us so we tried our best. But then it was the final one and it was a little bit hard but we never gave up and still got it. Everyone DASHED to the water and there was no more for us so we poured the water inside the cup ran to the pipe and poured it in and then it WORKED!. Then we had to move onto the last activity.
The final activity was surveying and it is when construction people measure the size of how big is the building going to be. But there was three instructors to help us and one of them are called Matt and he told us if we seen his robot before. First they gave us a picture of the hole school so we could measure it. Then they told us about that red dot and they turned it on and then it pointed up. Then it told them what number it was and it was 5 meters. Then they turned on the robot and Matt was walking right and that time the robot was following. After that the bell ran so we had to go line up and march back to class.
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