Wednesday 3 November 2021

Evil Viruses

 Hello my fellow viewers,

I know I haven't been posting that much on my blog, but today I am here to say I have a DLO here about, Pathogens -(germs & bacteria) and many more to come. It was pretty risky to truly understand these words. Because there were words I haven't even heard of before. Like, Leukocytes -(white blood cells), Antigens-(basically like a security because it can detect any germs that are hiding within the body), and many more. It was a little bit tricky because I had to find a way I could explain my writing. I also used some of my creativity to make it all happen, and I hope you guys like it.

Here Is What I Have Done.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Everyone Can Be Different

Welcome fellow students,

I am here to show you a PB4L DLO I have been working on. Which is about how Everybody can be different and how we can respect them. What I learnt in this is that we have to respect the people, so you make that person feel welcomed. What I found hard was that I had to figure out how we could respect people that we meet.

How Would You Respect Other People?
Comment Down How You Would Do This

Thursday 18 March 2021


Hello fellow viewers:

Welcome back to another fantastic blog post. So for the last 3 weeks we have been learning about, Polynesians. We also have learnt about an island called Hawaiki. It is an island where some of our ancestors came from, then they went out to voyage to other islands. We had to learn about the Polynesian Navigators, because we had to know how they travelled without any technology. So I have wrote on a wanted poster, so I could get a Navigator because I get lost if I try being one. Even the crew tried, and got us no where but made us surrounded by ferocious sharks. The skills I have put up can be easy to you because you might have more skills hidden in you. So there will lots of upcoming info coming up right after....

So what I have learnt is Hawaiki and how they voyaged for like YEARS!, but also I have learnt that the people that voyaged had to use the stars,birds, clouds,sea currents and swells to guide them to an island. What I found interesting is that I made a wanted poster from scratch, and it was fun to make it. The part that was hard was making a list of what I needed for the Navigators, and how they will help me. I will now show you my work.

Question Time!!!

What Kind Of Food Did The Polynesians Take With Them?🤔

Please Comment Down Below You Answer

Here Is My Wanted Poster

Monday 8 March 2021



Welcome back to another blog post, so today me and my class went out to the field. To have ORIENTEERING!!!!!!. What we did was that, we had to go into 2 groups. Because Irene and Leon have set up 2 separate big circles. We had to have little strips, that had separate letters which were mixed up. It was really fun because we had to run around and around the circles, because there was a clipper that came with the alphabet flag pole. So we had to clip the paper strips on the alphabet flag pole. It had to be clipped with the same exact letter that was on the post. So it was really long long time because we had to run and run which was pretty tiring a little bit. So it was really enjoyable because Irene & Leon told us about and taught us about Orienteering. In the end they told us to stand in the middle if we finished Irene had to check our one because she was in our group. After that they told us about the direction of north because we had to know our directions. They eventually gave us a map of the school and an arrow that had pointed north. We had to point the map to north all the time, so we could know the way north is. There was a fun part where there was certain symbol that was a colour and some colours were pretty difficult to understand, because instead of the field being green, the map shows its yellow and orange. They told us where that symbol was and we had to go find it which was really challenging, because Irene would give us a point. I sadly didn't get a point because it was to hard to find. They also told us, if a picture on the map is black, it is man made. Which is basically the buildings and classrooms. Then after that I had a really fun first block, because we had to come back to class afterwards.

Here is some Pictures Of Orienteering

Monday 1 March 2021

Lockdown News

Hello fellow viewers,
Welcome back into a new year (2021), I hope you guys had a really fantastic holiday, because I did. So lets dig right in. So after the holidays we had school, for only 2 weeks. Because...... On Sunday night Feb 14th, Jacinda Adern had announced that WE MOVE BACK INTO LEVEL-3!!!!!!!!!!!, Which was pretty sad. But our teacher had put up some work we had to do, and that was to make a Lock-down news, we had to make it, by using a new site called WeVideo. I did it when we went back to level 2 because Lock-down was only for 3 days. But it was really enjoyable, because when I made this in school, I felt nervous because I didn't want to do it, but I tried it out because I used GREEN SCREEN which made my video better. What I learnt was that I got to learn a new video and of course editing site. what I found interesting is that, I got to edit for my first time on my Chromebook which is beyond cool. What I found hard was that the editing part because, there is so much things I want to click but I had to stick to making my video. My next steps into this, is to add more info of my Lock-Down and I should be good editor next so I could time similar to this.

Here Is A Example.

Monday 7 December 2020

Art Colouring Book

Hello fellow bloggers

Welcome back to another fantastic blog post. So today we tried out a Teaser week activities from the Summer Learning Journey which was really fun, also it was like mini warm up. What I did was that we had to go on a website called Art Colouring Book. It was really fun because we got to colour a certain picture. What I learnt was that I got to go on a fun website to go on, and i'm exited for when the Summer Learning Journey Starts. What I liked was that I got to learn something new and plus it was really really fun. I tried to choose the same colours but in the end it kind of turned out ok because the comparison between both were quite different, but it was really enjoyable. If you want to go try out the website. The link is down below. 

Also try and guess which one is mine, so comment down which one.

Left Or Right

Here Is an Example.  

Art Colouring Book


Monday 30 November 2020

How To Show Respect Around Others

Hello fellow viewers,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I have some interesting work that I have put up. I have wrote a Canva which was a really good site that I have worked on. I had to write about how to show kindness, because we have to Respect all others. What I enjoyed is that I got to learn another incredible website. What I found interesting is that while I was writing, I found some cool stuff to put on my work. What I learnt is that I learned more interesting stuff like Canva. What I found hard is that, I had to find out how kindess works, like our May Road value ways. Respect All Others.

Here Is An Example.